Our relationship begins

We want to learn about you while you learn about us.

At the onset of our relationship we will ask you a series of questions focusing on your life’s goals and dreams. It is essential that we understand as much as possible about you, your family and your investment philosophy.

We begin by thoroughly analyzing your current investment portfolio, risk tolerance and future income needs.  As we listen and complete our questionnaire with you, we will gain insight into your views, concerns and perceptions about how your money is invested and what role it plays in your life and the life of your family.  You may have concerns about the impact of taxation on your portfolio; we understand this importance and our goal is to maximize after-tax investment results.  Many of our clients have come to rely on our expertise in all areas of their financial lives; we believe the same will happen for you over time as we earn your trust.

Your dynamic and comprehensive solution

We will create a personalized plan that can be updated as life changes occur.  Our team is highly collaborative and each team member will have a complete understanding of your specific needs. We create each wealth management plan by bringing together sophisticated planning tools with our team's over 100 years of combined investment counsel experience.

Our recommendations will include, but not be limited to, growing assets, managing risk, creating a retirement income and designing your legacy.  Our open architecture platform gives us the freedom to choose “world class” investment managers and allows us to be highly objective when recommending strategies and solutions.  The decision to entrust your hard earned wealth to investment managers is supported by our institutional-level due diligence process which we believe is more important than ever in today’s ever changing investment environment.

Dreams, trust, solutions

We will be fully invested in your success and with you every step of the way. We believe that communication is a shared responsibility between our clients and ourselves. We initiate regular contact with our clients and we ask you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns or if you need to inform us of any significant life changes. Experience has taught us that each client has different preferences for the format and frequency of communications, and we meet these expectations accordingly for each individual.

Schaefer Present Corte Mance Investment Group will be there to help define and navigate your future while providing ongoing stewardship and advice along with the exceptional service you deserve.

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